I had given up on options.
Buying them wasn’t working for me.
Big wins were wiped out by inconsistency.
That wasn’t what I was about. I was never one to hunt down HUGE returns.
My style? Carving out a niche in small-caps, aiming for consistent double-digit gains; that was my wheelhouse where I could excel.
So I went back to the basics and retired from buying options.
But I wasn’t ready to give up on options entirely. I wanted to find a strategy that’d allow me to replicate my small-cap expertise.
Even if it didn’t mean HUGE wins, that was ok. I was confident there was a way to add options to my arsenal, and now, I found it.
I found a way to position myself as the “small account bookie” that targets trades against unintelligent “suckers” who are buying options.
The Goal: Deploying only $2000, trading with probabilities in mind identifying options with healthy returns of 34%, 48%, even 71%.
When I applied this to see how powerful it could be, I realized I could teach others to adapt this same strategy to their own options trading.
So, I reached out to aspiring traders just like you.
Most hadn’t heard of selling options.
Some thought it was too complicated.
Listen — it’s not easy, but you need to realize something quickly.
80% of option buyers lose money.
I’m on the selling side with a modest $2000 starting balance averaging north of $400/day in pure profit…
Currently on a 14 for 14 win-streak:
My mission is turning $2000 into $100,000 and I believe this service is the answer.
Currently at +357% account growth in about two weeks.
Small Account Journey. You can’t argue with those results!
Remember, I’m slashing enrollment by 20% 40% with the code “SAVE40.”
But we’re close to an exponential price hike.
You have until Midnight to join at a 40% discount.
P.S. With any questions or to redeem potential credits, Davis Martin’s on the phone all night. 1-800-585-4488.
Questions or concerns about our products? Email [email protected]
© Copyright 2022, RagingBull
DISCLAIMER: To more fully understand any Ragingbull.com, LLC (“RagingBull”) subscription, website, application or other service (“Services”), please review our full disclaimer located at https://ragingbull.com/disclaimer.
FOR EDUCATIONAL AND INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY; NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE. AnyRagingBull Service offered is for educational and informational purposes only and should NOT be construed as a securities-related offer or solicitation, or be relied upon as personalized investment advice. RagingBull strongly recommends you consult a licensed or registered professional before making any investment decision.
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RAGINGBULL IS NOT AN INVESTMENT ADVISOR OR REGISTERED BROKER. Neither RagingBull nor any of its owners or employees is registered as a securities broker-dealer, broker, investment advisor(IA), or IA representative with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, any state securities regulatory authority, or any self-regulatory organization.
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