

No, this isn’t just a juicy stock chart!

It’s Jeff’s portfolio since starting his $10,000/Month Mission

Note: Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.

6 Months Down, 6 Months to Go!

👀INSANE Trial Expires Wed Night 👀 

Hey Guys and Gals,

If you struggle with timing your trades, you’re in the right place.

Because you’ve taken the time to stop by and read what I’ve put together for you, I am going to let you in on a few of my market timing tricks.

Here we go:

When the market was selling off late last week, I was looking for signs that my favorite stocks were hitting extremes. 

My proudest moments in teaching come when my trading students FINALLY master their emotions and learn how to take advantage of misprised markets.

And my Apple (APPLE) trade from last week is a perfect example.

I used my Extreme Keltner trading method to identify that when APPL drops by roughly 3X the average true range (ATR), MASSIVE opportunities develop for trades that understand how to take advantage of such extremes.

After I also noticed that the 200-day moving average was right there as available support (see black line above), I then looked to the major market indices for confirmation and, sure enough, there it was.

You see, QQQ had formed 2 consecutive “long-legged doji” candles late last week, indicating that bearish sentiment was starting to fade, with buyers starting to become more confident in a rebound.

Why did the action in QQQ matter?

Because I knew that AAPL is the LARGEST holding in QQQ, so the odds that AAPL would rally in sympathy with a rebound in QQQ were strong.

As always, I alert my entries and exits to subscribers’ smartphones moments before I get in or out.

This is how they learn in REAL-TIME!

Like AAPL’s exit alerts yesterday.

The first letting subscribers know I’m expecting a 50% win.

The second letting subscribers know I’m about to exit. 

Note: Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.

Members can always drop by the chat room to ask questions after they receive these alerts.

Guys and gals, there were over 1,000 people in the room yesterday.

Chupacabras! There are signs to help you time the market all over the place.

You just need a long-time trading veteran and educator to show you how to find them.

With a combination of scanners helping me to spot extreme moves (anomalies) like last week’s AAPL sell-off and my many years of experience as both a trader and a former teacher in the New York State school system, teaching folks this critical skill is what I do EVERY DAY.

As another special treat for you today, I am giving you the opportunity to watch how I use my two critical timing tools at no risk to you:

Watch the free ON-DEMAND trainings:

My current $2,000 balance is up 255% to $7,099 winning 33 out of 37 trades.

You’ll learn a lot from these lessons.

You’ll learn even more when you subscribe to my service.

I cannot guarantee you will make money. But what I can guarantee is that I will work my BUTT OFF to teach you WHY I trade WHAT I trade.

No Excuses! 

Jason Bond

Questions? Call 1-800-585-4488 or email Davis Martin ([email protected]) or Jeff Brown ([email protected]).

Questions or concerns about our products? Email [email protected] 

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