Hey Folks,
Just a quick shout out to the OG weekend warrior, Jason Bond, who will be spearheading a special Small Account Journey session tomorrow (SAT) at 12pm EST in this room – he’s been rocking our latest AI tool lately, so get in there!
And now…
Sucks to be Trump (sometimes)!
Sucks to be bond holders as well.
And… it sucks to be investors, too, although I think we have all the makings for a sharp market rally. There are tons of put options expiring today. That could force dealers to sell VIX and buy the stock market.
At least, that is how I was betting on things this afternoon in my “Lunch with Jeff” trading session that I held with my members in the Market Masters room.
If you were there (if you were not there – make sure you attend the next one!), you heard my reasons on why I thought there was going to be a bounce this afternoon.
I didn’t need a massive move, I was just looking for a quick reversal off the lows that I could leverage with 0DTE options.
And of course, I always put my money where my mouth is.
If you were in the session with me, you saw me set up several trades, one of which was betting that QQQ would reverse higher today.
That paid off pretty well for me, as I booked around $9000 in profits in about an hour’s time.
Here is a screenshot from my actual trading account as I’m writing this…

*Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically
Not bad for spending an hour with me this afternoon?
What doesn’t suck – except for those poor souls that sold me those options– is being a 20+ year trading veteran. While I’m approaching this current market with extreme caution, I’ve been making out like a bandit so far this month (again).
It’s not a stretch to say that I’ve been on 🔥lately!
The big question is, have you been with me on this? Or does it suck to be you as well?
Take a look at this…
On Monday, while markets were chopping along relatively “calmly,” I sent my Bullseye Unlimited members my first three trade plans for the week – they get 15 every week, in total.

I wrote: “NVDA – I think this market is poised very well for a further decline. We are very sensitive to news right now, and with the war brewing in the Middle East, we will continue to have a lot of news and rumors. For NVDA this week, I would like to see the stock bounce higher, so that I can get a better price on the puts I want to buy. This might not happen, so I plan to start with a small position sometime today, and then wait for a bounce to near $460 to add to this position.”
My trade plan details were…
NVDA Nov 3, 2023 $430 puts near $7
Stop: Close above $470
Target 1: $435
Target 2: $420
Here’s what happened next…

*Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically
Lucky shot?
More like 20+ years worth of honed trading skills and intuition and my Gamma and AI tools I use to find and plan trades with my Bullseye Unlimited members!
Here’s another one from Tuesday…

In this email, I wrote…
“ABNB – Airbnb has been trading range bound this year between $100 and $150. In recent weeks the stock has been relatively weak, failing to bounce with most other tech stocks. I think it’s possible interest rates could start to hit people who may have taken out loans for their Airbnb business, and with ABNB scheduled to report earnings on Oct 31, I could see some selling of stock into and after that event if ABNB doesn’t surprise to the upside.”
My trade details were:
ABNB Nov 3, 2023 $120 Puts near $2.40
Stop: Close above $138
Target 1: $120
Target 2: $115
And look at this ⬇️:

Not too shabby for a week that has seen the markets steadily chop downward!
Look, like I said earlier, I anticipate a sharp reversal in the markets in short order. But this does not make me bullish.
I still have a slightly bearish outlook for markets because there are just so many factors that could upset the apple cart.
There’s Powell’s recent comments that the Fed will likely hold interest rates steady for November but might hike again in December. The economy is still running hot according to all the government statistics, and that’s a problem (?? – seriously, it’s twisted!).
There are the ongoing Ukraine-Russia and Israel-Hamas wars. The latter could have catastrophic effects on the oil supply and thus energy prices.
And that’s only the half of it!
That’s why watching and learning from the best (not to humble brag or sound outright conceited, but my track record supports this assertion) is the best thing you can do for yourself.
That’s why deploying trading tools like my Gamma Triggers and custom AI trading algorithm are invaluable.
That’s why being part of a community of like-minded people is critical!
Yes, trading is hard. No. Results are never guaranteed.
But joining Bullseye Unlimited absolutely improves your understanding of this monster market and your opportunities to trade it.
It also gives you 15 trade plans a week to watch, paper trade, or just study. You could, if you wanted to, even trade them for yourself.
I’m emailing my next three trade plans to members on Monday.
So, don’t let it suck to be you.
Be ready for those trade plans to start next week!
Here’s to YOUR success,

P.S. If you have any questions about how you can get added to my “Rocket Trades” 🚀program (Bullseye Unlimited), just call Jeff Brown @ 800-585-4488 or email ([email protected]), and he would be happy to talk about any special offers, payment plans, and help you in any way possible.
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