Welcome to Wednesday, Folks –
Jeff here with a special invitation to join Jeff Williams TONIGHT to see how he’s moneyballing the SPY — if you’re NEW to options trading and want to learn, this is THE place for you! Join here at 8pm EST.
Why have I been making BOLD MOVES in this extended market?
Because as a trained economist and Mensa member, I know how to do some whacky stuff with data.
And after 20+ years of trading and building one of the industry’s top trading education services, I understand that there are times when, to be successful in this business, you need to “detrend” the data to find the right signals.
Making fun of my gray beard and brown hair?!?
I can almost hear you now saying, “Jeff, what in the world do you mean by detrend the data?”
I mean manipulating my Excel spreadsheets and sophisticated Artificial Intelligence tools to include the right data and weed out the wrong data when backtesting historical market conditions.
Yeah, I am being super geeky right now…but it’s time for you to understand 2 things:
I do all of this hard work for my Bullseye Unlimited members
You’re going to be left behind in your journey without this kind of machine-assisted trading
At the end of the day –
I filter out the noise and find the best trading signals possible.
Don’t believe me?
Just look at this list of ideas I delivered to my Bullseye Unlimited members last week alone.
Note: Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.
Seriously, Folks…. REREAD THAT 👆!!! That is 11 triple digit bangers in one week alone, in a service that delivers 3 trading ideas a day – so you do the math!
Can you imagine how your week could have been with this type of info at your disposal?
Let’s take a look at SNOW as an example of how I did this…
Prior to my alert to members on 12/11, the stock was holding firm in an otherwise choppy market.
That relative strength got the attention of my AI-alert system.
I then looked at the chart and saw this beautiful “flag” consolidation pattern.
Rather than being greedy, I saw a high-probability opportunity for a quick trade from $190 to the $200 area.
While just a 5% move in the stock’s price, I knew that the right options trade had the potential to make me 100% or more in just a few days.
The rest is history, and this is how everything played out for my members:
*Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.
You can see from the timestamp on my alerts – this one took me less than 3 hours to bank a 100% move (which amounted to $3000 for me, personally) – INSANE!!!
Folks, I have fused $15,000 worth of Artificial Intelligence with my blockbuster Gamma Trigger System to deliver 3 high probability trade ideas like this PER DAY to my Bullseye Unlimited members!!!
I am taking the mystery out of Artificial Intelligence and doing all the hard work for you, because I Do Not want you to be left behind.
Without AI in your daily trading, you are at a disadvantage.
My next 3 awesome ideas are dropping TODAY!
Quit being left behind on this fantastic ride 🎢
To YOUR success,
P.S. If you have any questions about how you can bundle Bullseye Unlimited with my Alpha Hunter 🏹 program, just call ☎️ Jeff Brown @ 800-585-4488 or email ([email protected]), and he would be happy to talk about any special credits you might have, discuss payment plan options, or help you in any way possible.
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