
Hey folks,

The days of free post-pandemic money are mostly gone, but, unfortunately, the after-effects are alive and well.

Thanks to our elected officials and the bubble-blowing Keynesian policies of this country’s Federal Reserve, it seems like all of us are now needing to work twice as hard just to get by.

And it’s not just the average Joe that’s struggling in this new inflationary world.

Even more concerning is that this country’s major manufacturing centers are really starting to feel the pinch. Just absorb some of these comments (or read them all here) about the outlook from just one center in Texas:

As a trained economist, I make it a habit to keep publicly-available economic papers on my radar, such as the Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey. Don’t ya feel lucky to have Uncle Jeff by your side to do all this boring work for you?

And when I tell you that statements like the ones shown above were commonplace in the July edition of this report, that’s no joke:

Statements like, “High interest rates are affecting industrial production like never before,” “The phone is not ringing,” and, “Our industry is in a technical recession” are a concern for longer-term investors…but not necessarily so for RagingBull members.

While I need to be aware of looming trends like this on the horizon, I need to tune out “noise” like this and focus on what is truly important in the short-term.  So how does the phone not ringing affect me as a trader?

Folks, the only thing I care about when it comes to trading is PRICE ACTION.

When the majority of stocks I follow are in uptrends, I will be bullish 🐂.  When they reverse, I will trade with the bears 🐻‍❄️.

After 20+ years of trading, I have learned that it really is THAT simple.

But to pivot for a second…did you hear that I recently moved from the great state of New Hampshire to my new home in Virginia?

Unfortunately, it just dawned on me that I am now pretty far removed from a lot of friends and family.

And with the holidays coming, that means I am going to be on the hook for airline tickets, as many of you probably will be.

But “Uncle Jeff “ is here to give you a little money saving tip as Thanksgiving approaches.

Yesterday, Google announced that early October is expected to be the best time to book domestic Thanksgiving or mid-December flights.

While I often think Google is a “big brother” threat, I do like that its Google Flights feature offers the same service as Kayak and Hopper and no extra charge.

You know who else is offering money saving discounts with a 100% Win rate  in his current trading journey and one of RagingBull’s most popular trading services?

That’s right – RagingBull’s co-founder, Jason Bond.

And from now through tomorrow (Wednesday) night, Jason is running the following BLOCKBUSTER promotion on entry to his latest Small Account Journey:

$1,999 $499 per year

$2,499 $624 two years

These prices WILL NOT LAST.

Demand has been so high for this offering that Jason was forced to reopen enrollment Friday.

As a former New York State school teacher, Jason wants nothing more than to show you how you can trade to get accelerated growth from an account of any size.

Heck, just 4 days into his latest Journey, Jason’s already doubled his $2,000 starting balance, which is well beyond the cost of entry.

EDITOR’S NOTE: With 10 years of education experience within the New York State school system and 11 years of experience as a professional trader under his belt, you will not find a better teacher to show you how to navigate the current volatile market environment than Jason Bond.

Folks, you might be asking yourself, well how can RagingBull afford to absorb offering an up to 83% discount on memberships?

Easy! Volume.

With the high demand Jason’s seeing, it makes it all worthwhile.

But I am not going to sit here and tell you that the remaining seats will be around for long, because at this rate they won’t be.

The market is at a critical juncture right now, so Jason’s putting on the pressure and shutting this offering down for good on Wednesday night.

This is your last chance to use coupon code: NEWJOURNEY and save.

Join Right Now.


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