
Another milestone for the Small Account Journey has just been crossed.

Last Friday, my small trading account crossed $30,000+.

I started that account with just $2,000 a few months ago.

That’s INSANE.

But instead of just showing you all these great trades, I want to run through 3 reasons why I was able to pull this off.

Then I want to show you what’s NEXT.

Let’s start with the 3 reasons I was able to grow my account from $2K to $30K+ (so far):

First, I’m trading options.

This is the easy one to understand: by trading options, I can turn smaller market movements into larger potential gains.

And it’s the ultimate short-term strategy for traders.

I can be in and out in a few days, overnight, or even on the same day.

My goal isn’t to grow this account by the time I’m 70.

I want to grow it NOW.

Options give me the best shot at doing that.

But it’s not as simple as just trading options blindly…

Second, I’m ruthlessly managing my risk.

One of the biggest drawbacks to trading with a smaller account is you can’t afford to take big losses.

With a huge trading account, losing a couple thousand bucks is uncomfortable.

With a small trading account, losing a couple thousand bucks can be devastating.

I’m typically not risking more than 10-15% of my trading account on any one trade.

“Doesn’t that mean you take lower returns? Bigger risk, bigger reward, right?” you ask.


Third, I’m being patient!

Patience is underrated for short-term traders.

I know, I know, the home runs are exciting.

But when you are trading with a smaller account, you can’t take on that much risk… so your rewards are lower.

You have to focus on a “Tortoise and The Hare” strategy:  slow and steady wins the race.

Here’s a list of my trades over the past week:


*Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.


I’d love to focus on all of them being winning trades (which is great), but look at that first column.

Despite being a five-figure account, I’m taking $100 here, $200 there, even $20.

Seems kinda low, but if you tally it up, that’s $5,000 added to the account since last week Monday!

Slow and steady adds up over time!

So that’s how I’ve done it.

Now, let’s talk about what’s next.

We’re up to $30K.

My goal is to get this account up to $100K by December.

Can I do it?

I have no idea.

But here’s what I can tell you: traders just like you are following along with every trade I make with this account in Small Account Journey.

I show them what I see in the market, what trades I like, and the strategies I’m taking along the way.

They can trade alongside me.

Or they can stay on the sidelines and watch them play out.

Either way, they get to learn from my winners AND my losers.

As I push to get to $100K, I am inviting you to join me.

And I want to make it as easy as possible for you.

For the rest of this week, memberships to Small Account Journey have been slashed by 60%!

But by Saturday night at midnight, your chance to save huge on this one will disappear.

Click HERE to see if I can grow this account to $100K – and save big money in the process!

Eat, sleep, and trade,

Jason Bond

P.S. I want to point out that I cannot speak for my members’ performance, as results may not be typical and trading is HARD. And I cannot guarantee you will make money. But what I can guarantee is that I will work my BUTT OFF to teach you WHY I trade WHAT I trade.

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Jason Bond

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