
Jason Bond’s Fossil Fuel Bet

I usually say that major global events, however dramatic they may be, often present some of the best opportunities for us, traders… Whether we like it or not, this is one of the more cynical realities of this job - at times, traders thrive when others suffer....

Is OCGN About to Have Another Squeeze

If you haven’t been paying attention to the small-cap land, here’s one name that’s turned some heads over the past few sessions - Ocugen (OCGN). What began as a promising ripper, driven by a solid news catalyst: … turned into a disaster last night, as the company...

What’s Up With This AMD Buying?

The stock market is a competitive place… and if you’re a trader, you should aim to collect as much info as you humanly (and “machine-ly”) can. After all, knowing more than others or knowing it quicker may offer you an invaluable advantage.  Seriously, we don’t even...


Track Record: $1.6M+ Booked

I asked everyone if they were excited about my Mission to Million. Feedback FLOODED in! I guess that’s what you can expect when a 20+ year pro trader launches the most significant journey of his career. This isn’t some “take the money and run” gimmick. I’m here for...

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