What RagingBull is Trading NowRaging Bull

Spanking the QQQ

  Hey Folks, I know youā€™re used to be talking about Bullseye Trades but I wanted to share more about my flagship options selling service ā€” the one I taught my own son as a brand new traderā€¦ Iā€™m talking…
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Why Small-Cap Stocks Matter Now šŸ§

  ā° Set a reminder to join JW LIVE @ 3PM EST today for hot momentum stock action in the Market Masterā€™s trading room Good morning! Jeff Bishop here ā€” While the market is never easy to trade, I do…
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Pro Tip: Unpacking the 20-Hour Moving Average šŸ“Š

Yesterday, I got a lot of questions about why I was cautious on the market this week. Itā€™s not a ā€œsixth senseā€ or gut feeling. It simply comes down to following my most trusted indicator ā€“ the trusty ā€œ20-Hour moving…
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